Disney Cruise

There are some people who are cruise fanatics.  Every vacation is a cruise.  They love nothing more than being on a boat and filling their days jumping from one on-board activity to another.  They love waking up in a new place each day.  They love getting off at the various ports and exploring the area for the day.  They love the four course meals, dressing up for formal nights, gambling in the casinos, partaking in the drink of the day.  They love everything about cruises and couldn’t imagine a better vacation.

I am not one of those people.

The idea of a cruise never appealed to me.  I had no interest in being stuck on a boat that looked like a floating party boat, drinking on the pool deck all day surrounded by a spring break crowd.  I love to explore new places in depth, not during an 8 hour port call.  With all the places I wanted to see in the world, all the cultures to explore and people to meet, I never thought of a cruise ship as a way to do that.


Kids have a way of changing things.  The boys brought up a Disney Cruise for the first time about 6 months ago.  I have no idea where they heard about it, but Disney marketing is a magical thing and they were all in.  While the idea of a cruise historically held no appeal to me, a Disney cruise was indeed an interesting thought.  I am a Disney fan – not in a crazy, over the top kind of way, but I definitely have an appreciation for the Disney product.  So I figured if anyone could make a cruise that would appeal to me personally, it was Disney.  I did some research and was even more intrigued.  I liked the classic look of their ships.  The lack of a casino.  The family atmosphere.  And of course the Disney theming – Disney decor, characters, movies.  A floating Disney World was definitely more appealing to me than a floating Las Vegas.

So we decided to give it a try and booked a 4 night cruise to the Bahamas.  We figured that was long enough to figure out if we liked Disney cruises and short enough if we figured out we did not.  So what’s the verdict???  Read my Trip Reports to find out…